stairway reconstruction

I’m really not sure why they built the upstairs with this weird little crooked landing area.  Was it a feature?  Did they run out of lumber?  Was there not enough headroom in the first floor?  (It already intrudes at a 45° angle halfway through the bathroom entrance.)  Was the last step too steep, so they added a little landing?


We tore off the top layers to see how this thing was built.  It seems that the entire set of stairs are attached to the floor joists by two lag bolts.  Hmm.  And the top step, the landing, is kind of resting on the ceiling boards of the first floor.  It’s not framed very well. 

596kg of rubbish

Another trip to the landfill, this time with 596kg, mostly old wood and plaster.


After the dump run, FT and I worked on tearing out the rest of the ceiling nails from the roof trusses. 

 2/15/2025 12:52 PM      3246190 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250215_125209 roof trusses.jpg
 2/15/2025  5:17 PM      2660152 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250215_171757 roof truss ceiling nails.jpg
 2/15/2025  5:18 PM      1102801 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250215_171820 Allan pulling roof truss ceiling nails.jpg
 2/15/2025  5:18 PM      3472656 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250215_171829 Floyd pulling roof truss ceiling nails.jpg

And this is how the living room, kitchen, and bedroom look now.

living room

Almost finished!  (Right.)