new laundry machines

Because the laundry machines had been changed in the rear suite, I had two new machines (well, new washer and almost new dryer) left over.  I asked the tenants in the house if they wanted to swap them out.  After discussing some details, here they are.


The washer has 5 years warranty, and the dryer has … not sure.

a little dim

The tenant advised me that the bathroom light, out of the blue, stopped dimming. It wasn’t a big deal, said the tenant, but it was annoying nonetheless.

What the heck is this all about?  If it dimmed before, and then stopped dimming, it must be an electronic issue.

I replaced the dimmer switch, and the problem persisted.  The tenant suggested it might be a light fixture.  One other tenant who shares rent attends university in Electrical Engineering and suggested it was the fixture.  So a few weeks later I brought by a new light fixture.

Just in case, I also brought some dimmable bulbs.  Before replacing the fixture, I thought I’d take a chance and replace the bulbs.


520 12C St N Lethbridge AB main 20240501_122405 bathroom light working (new dimmer bulbs).mp4 

Ta-dah!  Fixed!

Hmm.  The tenant didn’t change the bulbs?

LG washer from Home Depot

At Home Depot, I saw an LG washer.

(Ever wonder what LG stands for?  There were two companies in South Korea – Lucky (락희), Korea’s first plastics manufacturer, and Goldstar, Korea’s first radio manufacturer.  They merged in 1983 to create Lucky-Goldstar, later shortened to LG.  There’s an interesting account of this in Wikipedia.)  But I digress…

I bought a used Samsung washer (also Korean) for this suite but ended up using it at 1403 as the old top-loader that was there quit.

I bought a new Samsung washer for this suite.  Well the used Samsung at 1403 quit, too, so that’s where the new Samsung is.  I’m tired of buying and fixing old machines.  I’m tired of moving machines around.

So I bought the LG.  Where is it now?  In this (520) suite, hopefully to stay.

wooden wall planks

And now, for my next trick, I must turn this…

into this…

to finish this.

Wish me luck.

Well, the first cut isn’t bad 

The tongue and groove still has to be made. Only 5 3/4 more 2x6s to go.