Shane and I completed the knock-down wall surfacing last night. In case you have never heard of this, knock-down texture is spackling texture with a flattened surface.
This is what it looks like before paint.
projects on the go
Shane decided a skim coat was needed for the dining room and kitchen before the texture is applied. Once it’s dried, he’ll come in with his sprayer and apply the textured coat, smooth it, and sand it. After that, I’ll paint.
Floyd and I have been working on the window frames, stripping the paint, sanding, filling holes (with the right colour), and urethaning. I’d say they look good and match the rest of the window frames.
Nearing the finish line for interior work.
And the scraping continues, this time on the second floor in the middle bedroom. The baseboards are all painted white, but they’re nearly impossible to remove without damage, so they’ll have to remain white. We’ve taken the trim boards off of the closet and ran them through the new planer and quarter them with polyurethane (yesterday). They look good, but now I’ve got to scrape the window frames as well. Dang. All under days work.
We came up with a plan for the living room / dining room opening. We replaced the framing with 2x6s. We bought some 2x6s from Lealta and ripped a sliver of wood off. I’ll sand, stain, and polyurethane them. They’ll be used as trim rather than adding 1x6s. I still need to fasten them. I’ll show you when I’m done.
The baseboard 1x8s are ready now – routered, stained, and urethaned, so we put them up. Because the floor is not really level across about 24 feet (7.3m), there were adjustments needed. It turned out to be easiest to cut them into specific lengths to match the straight parts of the floor.
The rear deck post is fixed now, too.