I can’t determine the brand of this faucet, but they are less than two years old. And they leaked!
SF told me on Saturday that there was a leak. I arrived that same morning. I asked when it started to leak. She said she didn’t know. I asked when the water leak alarm went off. “Oh, is that what that is?” She’s never seen one before. Likely, most people haven’t. I have three at home, but I believe most people don’t. This one was apparently beeping since Wednesday.
She thought it was her hearing aids and went through a lot of trouble to try to diagnose them. But when she got home from her hearing aid place, the beeping resumed! What the devil could this be? She saw it was coming from under the sink from a little white device sitting in the cabinet.
I removed, replaced, and tightened all the fittings including the drain. Nothing leaked. She called me again the next day – still leaking. I did it all over again and found one spot where the drain pipe hadn’t been snug.
Fast forward to today. I went back as SF said it was still leaking, and this time she collected half a salad bowl full of water. It turns out the faucet was faulty. So much for buying discontinued products.
I went to Canadian Tire and bought … another discontinued product for $115, down from $230. We’ll see.